Our Core Areas Of Expertise
Serafini Communications present powerful interactive sessions to help leaders start and build more profitable results, businesses and careers.
Executive Training & Corporate Coaching
In today’s digital age it’s even more imperative than ever that you are influential and persuasive every occasion you get!
Consulting across the niche sectors of: Consumer, Sport & Entertainment, we are committed to identifying the best possible candidates.
Corporate Speaking Engagements
Laurie speaks from the heart; and his passion is people; and how people can learn to be the very best version of themselves.
Our Values
This is the core of who Serafini Communications are.
About Serafini Communications
Founded on more than 25 years of genuine sales experience, and drawing on the skills and experience of Director Laurie Serafini, we help large and specialist businesses define and refine the way that they present themselves to their clients.
Serafini Communications are specialists in high level communications upskilling. We train and coach executives and their teams across: business presentations, critical “pitches”, sales skills, impression management, leadership and team building. In addition we are specialists in niche executive recruitment across: Consumer, Retail, Sport & Entertainment.

Clients We've Worked With

Serafini Communications Blog
The Serafini Communications Blog is packed full of articles to help you achieve the results for you business.